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Microbiological Collections

of Paraná Network




Curso Internacional de Micologia Clínica - 2023

A Universidade Federal do Paraná em conjunto com o Grupo de Trabalho Latino-Americano da Sociedade Internacional de Micologia Humana e Animal (LATAM/ISHAM) and apoio da Sociedade Brasileira de Doenças Infecciosas (SBI), do NAPI-Taxonline/Fundação Araucária, Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia (SBZ) e Projeto CAPES/Print-UFPR, tem o prazer de anunciar a realização da edição brasileira do Curso Internacional de Micologia Clínica/2023. Acesse o programa clicando AQUI

A edição brasileira do curso acontecerá na Universidade Federal do Paraná de 1 a 10 de março de 2023, em modelo híbrido, com aulas teóricas em inglês e práticas em português, tendo como referência a 4a edição do  Atlas de Micologia Clínica. ( Para maiores informações clique AQUI


Para Acesso ao formulário de inscrição, clique no link abaixo:


O prazo final de inscrição é 24 de Fevereiro de 2023.

Sugestões de hotéis, clique AQUI

International Course of Medical Mycology - 2023

The Federal University of Paraná, together with the Latin American Working Group of the International Society of Human and Animal Mycology (LATAM/ISHAM) and support from the Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases (SBI), NAPI-Taxonline/Fundação Araucária, Brazilian Society of Zoology (SBZ) and CAPES/Print-UFPR project is pleased to announce the Brazilian edition of the International Course of Medical Mycology/2023. The Course program HERE

The Brazilian edition of the course will take place at the Federal University of Paraná from March 1 to 10, 2023, in a hybrid model, with theoretical classes in English and practical classes in Portuguese, with reference to the 4th Edition of Atlas of Clinical Fungi ( /). For more information HERE


For access to the registration form, click on the link: below: 

The dead line to register is February 24th 2023

Hotel suggestions, click HERE

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WDCM Global Training Course:  Brazil Satellite Training Course for Open Science in Microbiology Supported by the Bureau of International Affairs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil

On the last day, December 9, 2022, at  the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) occurred  the Brazilian edition of the World Data Centre for Microorganisms (WDCM) Global Training Course for Open Science in Microbiology. This course has been hosted by the WDCM since 2010 and  given the current situation of the global COVID-19 epidemic,  in 2022 the WDCM has established cooperation with international research institutions with a main training course in Beijing and WDCM satellite courses in 5 countries: China; Belgium; Chile; Thailand; Brazil; USA. The current course theme was “open science” directed to routine activities and services of microbiological collections.  The concept Open Science in microbiology theme brought  a discussion and upgrade on open data, showing  the challenges of improving research practices, scientific publications, and data repositories.  In Brazil, the course was organized by the Microbiological Collections of Paraná Network (CMRP/Taxonline - with administrative support of the Brazilian Society of Zoology ( and received local financial support from the Araucaria Foundation (FA) ( According to the program attached in the link

The course was organized in 3 topics. The part I occurred  at the December 8, with an opening ceremony attended by the Vice-Rector of the UFPR, Prof. Dr. Graciela I. B.  Muniz, the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies at UFPR (PRPPG), Prof. Dr. Francisco Mendonça; the Director of the International Agency of UFPR, Prof. Dr. André M. Duarte; the director of the Biological Sciences Sector, Prof. Dr. Thales R. Cipriani; the director of science technology and information at the FA, Prof. Dr. Luiz Márcio Spinosa; the head of the Basic Pathology Department at UFPR, Prof. Dr. Edneia ASR Cavalieri; the Taxonline coordinator, Prof. Dr. Luciane Marinoni and the coordinator of the CMRP, Prof. Dr. Vânia A.Vicente. On the occasion, we had the presence of the dean of Research and Graduate Studies, Prof. Dr. Mauro A. S.S. Ravagnani from State University of Maringa (UEM), and the Research Director from State University of Londrina (UEL), Prof. Dr. Eduardo J.A. Araújo. 

 The opening ceremony was held in the local language and  was very important to seal institutional commitment and zeal with projects associated with Microbial Collections at the UFPR and with the state institutions. During the opening ceremony administrative representatives of the UFPR and of the State development institution affirmed their willingness to cooperate for the advancement of collaborations and, consequently, the consolidation of institutional projects, such as, projects developed in Network, focusing the future international collaboration with WDCM. On the 9h started the Part II entirely taught in English and broadcast in real time by UFPR TV to several countries, this topic of the course presenting modern analytical techniques and Microbial Culture Collections followed by the ending sessions characterized by training about " Experimental and Computational Tools Applied to access and analysis genomics sequencing”. In Figure was presented some picture registers of the course.

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Overview of the Brazilian edition of the World Data Centre for Microorganisms (WDCM) Global Training Course for Open Science in Microbiology: records of lectures, participants, and the opening ceremony.


Boletim informativo da Federación Latinoamericana de Colecciones de Cultivos (FELACC)

Foi publicada no Boletín da Federación Latinoamericana de Colecciones de Cultivos (FELACC) uma nota de divulgação sobre o CMRP-Taxonline e a pesquisa desenvolvida com base nas coleções microbiológicas do Paraná. 

Acesse o PDF do boletim aqui.

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Nova lei de Biodiversidade: Como o SISGEN, PG, CTA, MTA, CDN, CM e IBAMA impactam a pesquisa brasileira e a rotina dos pesquisadores

Temas a serem abordados: a Nova Lei de Biodiversidade Brasileira, Patrimônio Genético, Conhecimento Tradicional Associado, Autorizações Prévias do Conselho de Defesa Nacional, Comando da Marinha e IBAMA. E, especialmente, a inserção das informações no sistema SISGEN do MMA, como e quando fazer o ENVIO ou REMESSA de PG para o exterior.

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Estudo encontra RNA do coronavírus em objetos de hospitais e consultórios de Curitiba

Pesquisadores da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), em um estudo que monitora a contaminação em ambientes, encontraram material genético do novo coronavírus em equipamentos, materiais e ambientes hospitalares e de saúde de Curitiba. 

Confira a reportagem aqui.


UEL licencia tecnologia inédita para produção de novo biodefensivo agrícola – o Perobal

A Universidade Estadual de Londrina assinou um contrato de licença, fornecimento de tecnologia e de material biológico com a Simbiose Indústria e Comércio de Fertilizantes e Insumos Microbiológicos para o desenvolvimento de um novo biodefensivo agrícola à base de Bacillus velezensis (linhagem depositada sob o código de acesso CMRP4489). O acordo foi aprovado pelo Conselho de Administração (CA), em julho passado, e finaliza um processo iniciado há cinco anos desde as primeiras pesquisas desenvolvidas no Laboratório de Biotecnologia Microbiana (LABIM) do Centro de Ciências Biológicas (CCB).

Para saber mais clique aqui.


CMRP Taxonline © 2020

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