About the CMRP
The Microbiological Collections of Paraná Network (CMRP) was created in 2012 as part of the Network of Biological Collections of Paraná – Taxonline (http://taxonline.bio.br), with financial support from the Fundação Araucária, the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications (MCTIC) and National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). The CMRP is characterized as a Center of different microbiological collections from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and associated laboratories from the State University of Maringá/PR (UEM), Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR) and State University of Londrina/PR (UEL), under unified operational protocols for biosafety and collection management, and with head laboratory housed in the Department of Basic Pathology of UFPR. In addition, CMRP acts as depository for academic and research collections in the state of Paraná and several institutions in other Brazilian regions, providing services on conservation of clinical and environmental strains (types and references) of bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts for academic and biotechnological applications.
The CMRP was created with the objective of guaranteeing the preservation of the microbiological material from academic activities, attending the governmental goals for the preservation of Brazilian biodiversity and the current legislation regarding compliance to the Nagoya protocol (https://www.cbd.int/abs/nagoya protocol/signatories/default.shtml – Law No. 13,123, “Biodiversity Law”, Provisional Measure No. 21.186-16) enacted on November 16, 2015. The new Brazilian legislation requires that both research and technological development, carried out with Brazilian genetic heritage and/or associated traditional knowledge need be registered in the National System for the Management of Genetic Heritage and Associated Traditional Knowledge – SisGen, which is guaranteed in the Taxonline Network.
At the end of 2013, the Taxonline Network became part of the Brazilian Biodiversity Information System / SIBBR (http://www.sibbr.gov.br) and Global Biodiversity Information Facility (http://www.gbif.org). In addition, with the creation of the center, databases were implemented in the SpeciesLink (splink.cria.org.br). In 2018, the collections of the CMRP underwent a process of expansion as a reference collection for the conservation of genetic heritage and as a repository of microorganisms, incorporating into its collection the collections of mammalian cells and plasmid DNA.